# 금융 데이터 소스

# 한국

Sector Data Data Source
거시경제 경제성장률 IT 통계 (opens new window)
거시경제 월간 산업동향 KIET 산업연구원 (opens new window)
공시 전자공시시스템 DART (opens new window)
공시 IR 자료 한국 IR협의회 (opens new window)
IT 온라인 쇼핑 통계청 - 도소매∙서비스 (opens new window)
건설 건설허가∙착공, 주택건설 인허가 실적 통계청 - 건설ㆍ주택 (opens new window)
금속 철강 통계 조사표 통계청 - 광업제조업·기업 (opens new window)
금속 철강 생산량 조사표 한국철강협회 (opens new window)
금융 금리∙환율∙주가지수 한국은행 경제통계시스템 (opens new window)
레저 여행 입출국자 수 조사표 한국관광공사 (opens new window)
에너지 발전 설비 현황표 국가통계포털 (opens new window)
에너지 발전원별 현황표 전력통계정보시스템 (opens new window)
엔터테인먼트 한국 콘텐츠 산업 동향표 한국콘텐츠진흥원 (opens new window)
유통∙운수 유통 업체 매출 동향표 국가통계포털 (opens new window)
유통∙운수 면세점 통계표 한국면세점협회 - 산업동향 (opens new window)
음식료 세계 곡물 가격 동향표 농업관측본부 (opens new window)
음식료 참치 가격 동향 ATUNA (opens new window)
의료 기기 의료 기기 산업 매출 및 수출입 현황표 식품의약품안전처 (opens new window)
생활 초중고 사교육비 지출표 나라지표 - 사교육현황 (opens new window)
생활 출생아 수 나라지표 - 출생 사망 추이 (opens new window)
섬유∙패션 섬유류 생산 및 수출입 동향 나라지표 - 섬유산업동향 (opens new window)
자동차 자동차 판매 대수 다나와자동차 (opens new window)
자동차 현대차 주요 판매실적 현대차 IR정보 (opens new window)
제지 폐지 가격 국가통계포털 (opens new window)
제약 의약품 산업 매출 및 수출입 현황 보건산업통계 (opens new window)
조선∙해운 선박 수주량, 수주잔량표 보건산업통계 (opens new window)
조선∙해운 BEI(BALTIC Drybulk Index, 발틱 운임지수) Trading Economics (opens new window)
통신 유무선 통신 가입자수 과기부 (opens new window)
화학 국제 유가 국가에너지통계 - 석유 (opens new window)

# 국제

# World

# United Kingdom

# United States

# Foreign Exchange

# Equity and Equity Indices

# Fixed Income

# Options and Implied Volatility

# Futures

# Commodities

# Multiple Asset Classes and Miscellaneous

# Specific Exchanges

# Bloomberg terminal alternative

Recreate a Bloomberg terminal for free (opens new window)

# Financial Modeling and Analysis Tools

  • Koyfin (opens new window) – An amazing free dashboard that looks and feels a lot like FactSet. Includes macro, security snapshots, financial analysis, estimates (EPS, revenue, and EBITDA), and graphs. Most importantly, the data is sourced from extremely high quality datasets.
  • Atom Finance (opens new window) - Similar to Koyfin in its excellent user interface. Includes a robust calendar feature for important company events, interactive valuation capabilities based on EPS, revenue and EBITDA consensus estimates, transcripts, peer analysis, and more. You can create financial models instantly that are pre-populated with consensus projections and automatically re-calculate on the fly as you change assumptions. However, the universe of companies is a bit limited.
  • Aswath Damadoran (opens new window) – Amalgamated data on various financial measures (CapEx by industry, margins by sector, valuation ratios by industry).
  • Finviz (opens new window) – Snapshot of basic financial information including dividend, sales growth, payout ratio, sell-side ratings, and price targets.
  • Ycharts (opens new window) – Somewhat similar to FactSet. Not exactly free but you can get a free trial.
  • Eloquens (opens new window) – Free financial models and various templates.
  • Yahoo Finance (opens new window) – Revenue and EPS estimates. Live pricing.
  • Government Filings (EDGAR) (opens new window) – Can pull 10-Qs, S-1s, and anything else publicly filed with the US government.
  • IMPORTXML (opens new window) – Imports data from various structured data points. Can scrape outside websites. Example of how to use it here (opens new window).
  • GOOGLEFINANCE (opens new window) – Not referring to the website Google Finance (we prefer Yahoo Finance) but the “coding tool” in Google Sheets, which can import basic live data (pricing information).

# Market Research Tools

Market sizing tip: Sometimes you can offer to buy just a portion of a market sizing report (or a table) for about 1/10th of the cost of the total report.

# Macro Data

  • Trading Economics (opens new window) – Macro data by country. Includes forecasts. They also have a $49 option for a one week pass if you need richer data.
  • World Bank (opens new window) – Data on a plethora of topics with 19,902 datasets as of November 2019. Everything from economic growth statistics to inflation rates, interest rates, FX rates, income statistics, employment statistics, population statistics, education statistics, tax rates, etc.
  • BLS (opens new window) – US Government Bureau of Labor Statistics. Includes statistics like CPI, unemployment rate, productivity, and regional data.
  • Investing.com (opens new window) – Data on CDS, bond yields.

# VC/Startup Databases

  • Fundz (opens new window) – Startup database of all funded companies in the US. A $40-ish subscription can get some good data.
  • Crunchbase (opens new window) – Investments and funding information on private companies. Includes information on founding members, rounds, raises, etc. Free and paid versions.
  • IPO Data (opens new window) – Professor Jay Ritter of the University of Florida maintains this database which includes information on underpricing, age, dual-class, price revision, sales, underwriting, VC-backed IPOs, turnover statistics, and more.
  • TechLeap (opens new window) European-based startup database of 5,500+ startups.

# Stock Research Reports

# References

How do I get currency exchange rates via an API such as Google Finance? (opens new window) https://towardsdatascience.com/free-financial-data-a122a3cd5531 (opens new window)